Why we use Soy Wax?

Soy wax candles are well-known for being better for your home, health and the planet. Here are just some of the benefits of soy wax candles.

1. They are made from a natural resource

Because soy wax is made from vegetable soybeans, it’s a natural, vegan resource that isn’t considered harmful to the planet to grow, extract or create. Plus, since it’s easy to grow more soybeans in just a few months, soy wax is also considered a completely renewable resource.

2. They are biodegradable

As a natural, plant-based product, soy wax is biodegradable – which is yet another reason why it’s great for the planet! You can usually compost the soy wax leftover from your candles, too. Just make sure you check the label first to see if any chemicals have been mixed in that may disrupt the soy wax’s ability to break down.

3. They burn slowly

Soy wax has a low melting point, which means your candle will burn slowly (up to 50% slower than paraffin wax candles, in fact). This means you get to enjoy a soy wax candle for a long time. Plus, you won’t need to buy new ones very often, making them even better for the planet and your bank account!

4. They smell nice!

Of course, you’d expect a candle to smell nice. But did you know that soy wax candles can release more fragrance than paraffin? Because soy wax has a low melting point, the ‘wax pool’ it creates when lit easily evaporates. This usually means that soy candles and wax melts have fewer chemicals but still release a powerful fragrance. 

Are Soy Wax Candles Better Than Regular Candles?

As creators of vegan-friendly soy wax candles, we know a lot about why they are better than regular paraffin wax candles you often find in high street stores and supermarkets.

Here are just some of the reasons why soy wax candles are better than regular candles.

  1. They are healthier

Scented paraffin wax candles release a toxic soot when they burn (source). These chemicals float around our home, which isn’t a nice thought as it is. But, to make matters worse, the chemicals released can be toxic, with some being cancer-causing, allergy-inducing or harmful to people with asthma.

On the flip side, soy wax candles have a clean burn. They are estimated to produce just a tenth of the soot that paraffin candles release (source). This means they’re healthier for you, your family, and the walls of your home – with less risk of black, sooty marks on the walls after burning.

2. They are better for the environment

Because soy wax is vegan-friendly and uses 100% natural soy vegetable wax, it’s a much better candle for the planet compared with paraffin wax. 

When you choose soy wax, you can relax knowing your candle:

  • Uses fewer chemicals
  • Releases less toxins into the atmosphere
  • Uses renewable resources
  • Doesn’t damage the planet when created
  • Is carbon neutral

Plus, soy wax washes away very easily, so, after just a quick rinse with soapy water, you can reuse the glass pot for storage or planting.

3. They last longer

Because of their low melting point, soy wax candles can last much longer than regular paraffin wax products (which have a high melting point) as they burn significantly slower (source). 

This means you have a candle that provides better value for money and has less of an impact on the planet, since you may not need to buy them quite as often.